COMTO Columbus was re-established in 2014 to provide a networking forum for minority professionals, which includes a broad and growing membership of individuals in all multi-modal agencies, large and small corporations, historically underutilized businesses, state departments of transportation, academic institutions, and other non-profit organizations. In just four years, COMTO Columbus was recognized as the National Chapter of the Year in 2018 and 2019 for our impactful programming and advocacy in our community.
COMTO serves a multitude of stakeholders, by providing the value of research, organization, advocacy of local/state policies, information sharing, educational & professional development, training, and collaboration for members constituencies (public sector, private sector, and academia).
COMTO’s core values are embodied in how we conduct business and how we interact with our stakeholders, or members, customers, partners and supporters. We affirm, and are committed to:
•Advocacy • Diversity & Inclusion • Education & Scholarship • Integrity • Service •
Why Should You Get Involved with COMTO Columbus?
Transportation impacts everyone in their respective community; from roads to mass transit systems; from airports to pedestrian and bike pathways. The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) recently released its Insight2050 report which conservatively estimate that the region’s growth over the next 30+ years will result in more than 300,000 new residences and more than 300,000 new jobs. This community’s transportation infrastructure has to be improved and expanded to support this growth and COMTO Columbus must be positioned to ensure maximum participation and inclusion by minority individuals and businesses.
COMTO Columbus Board Members:
President—Quincy J. Howard; 1st Vice President—Scott Porter; 2nd Vice President—Marleise Ryan
Treasurer—Ivy Curtis; Secretary—Amber Boyd
For more information go to: http://www.comtocolumbus.org or email us at info@comtocolumbus.org or call (614) 427-3083.

We believe that transportation is the great equalizer in today's society. Transportation provides access to a better life and we strive to be a part of giving that access.
Our Mission
The Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials of Columbus (COMTO Columbus) is one of 38 chapters across North America. COMTO’s expanding international footprint has a rich history of advocacy, networking, education and professional development training. It is supplemented by a strong and growing multi-state infrastructure of chapters whose members support the COMTO values of inclusion, disadvantaged business equity, the sharing of intellectual capital, and a focused compassion for diversity in multimodal transportation. On the chapter level, COMTO Columbus is an independent non-profit organization that is a pathway to partnership with state, county and local officials as well as the private sector. COMTO Columbus engages these entities to determine strategic priorities for multimodal transportation development in Central Ohio.
•Advocacy • Diversity & Inclusion
• Education & Scholarship • Integrity • Service

Our Vision
Our vision is to build upon our 50 plus year continuous legacy of ensuring full access, while keeping pace with the rapidly evolving industry and anticipating future goals and accomplishments.