The privilege of membership in COMTO is designed to be valued and shared by people from all ethnic and professional levels who enjoy a common vocation. We are all committed, professionally and personally, to the advancement of high-quality opportunities and service delivery within the transportation industry.
The below items demonstrate the incredible value offered by membership in COMTO. If you’re not already a COMTO member, we hope you’ll consider joining our prestigious organization. You can click here to view a summary in PDF format providing more details about membership benefits by membership category. If you have any questions about membership in COMTO or the benefits of membership, please email us or call (614) 427-3083. Membership in COMTO conveys numerous benefits to members in all categories:
Get access to fellow professionals in the transportation industry for a sense of community and to share knowledge. COMTO’s membership encompasses an incredible array of individuals, companies, and transportation agencies, all of whom bring their own unique knowledge and skillsets to the table.
Participate in COMTO’s National Meeting and Training Conference and take advantage of the many opportunities for networking and learning offered by a schedule filled with great sessions, workshops, and events. Click here to view a video that was presented onsite at the 40th Annual National Meeting and Training Conference highlighting COMTO’s 40 years of transportation legacy.
Attend an event hosted by COMTO Columbus chapter – such events are often very educational and allow members from the local community to meet and share knowledge.
Receive regular updates on COMTO activities, and check out our quarterly newsletter, Accelerate, which features news regarding COMTO and the transportation industry as a whole. Click here to view the most recent edition of Accelerate.
Click here for more information on membership with COMTO Columbus and the National organization.